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东莞市森彩纸制品有限公司 中国工厂地址:广东省东莞市东坑镇黄屋沙涌工业区34号 电 话:0769-83868358 外贸直线:0769-33352179 手 机:13922216644 (陈先生) 传 真:0769-83868359 邮 编:523447 联 系 人:陈先生 公司主页:www.dgsunchina.com 电子邮箱:mike@dgsunchina.com 主营产品:粉底盒、眼影盒、腮红盒、唇膏盒、调色板及化妆品套装盒。 |
1. One set is available, and one pcs is also available.
2. Customized Case. Can be flat edge or rolled edge.
3. Suitable for blush, powder , fragrance, and all kind of skin care product.
4. Recycle paper making
5.MOQ: 5000 pcs
6. Sample Time: 10 days
7. Lead Time: 40 days
1.Packaging for fragrance, powder, blush, and all kind of skin care products.